مقالات وأراء

Russia hits Children's Hospital in Kyiv

2024 تموز 10
مقالات وأراء

Al Thaer

On June 8, the Russian army targeted the defenseless Okhmatdyt, Ukraine's largest children's hospital in the center of Kyiv, and of course, the objective is achieved ,bombing it with a direct hit from an X-101 rocket.

Now the main enemy of the "peace-loving" Russian Federation are the innocent, Ukrainian children battling cancer. At the time of the strike, there were young patients in operating rooms fighting the disease for a chance at life, but Russia proved to be more cruel and ruthless than the disease. Once again confirming its terrorist nature and once again crossing the line of humanity. The Russian Federation has proven that it is ready to commit any war crimes to subdue the Ukrainian people and capitulate Ukraine. Even war has its own rules, because under international humanitarian law, hospitals receive special protection, and children can never be a legitimate target.

Impunity unleashes the hands and increases the appetite of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, who talks nonstop about peace while his hands are stained with innocent children's blood.

Russia is a generous country, it did not spare $250 million for a massive missile attack on Ukraine, during which 36 people were killed, including 4 children, and 140 were wounded, which is the cost of 38 missiles that were fired from Russian aircraft by Russian criminals.

Even in times of war, the ability to choose your enemy on the battlefield speaks of honor and dignity, and the destruction of the Okhmatdyt children's hospital proves that the Russian army had and has neither honor nor dignity.

It is so easy to take away the chance for life from a defenseless child lying on an operating table....

This is how the agony of a country that will burn itself in the flames of a war it has unleashed looks like.

The article expresses the opinion of its author only and does not oblige "Al Thaer" to anything

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