مقالات وأراء

Candles gone out....

2023 تشرين الثاني 25
مقالات وأراء

Al Thaer


Irena Kharo

Every November, Ukraine and the world commemorate the millions of victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933, a genocide of the Ukrainian people that was artificially and deliberately planned by the Stalinist regime.

Food was used by the Soviet government as a weapon against the Ukrainian peasantry. In 1932, Moscow passed the infamous law "On Five Ears of Grain," which made "theft of state property" punishable by execution, and even a few ears of grain picked up in a field were considered such.

The then leader of the USSR, Stalin, was eager to deal with the rebellious Ukrainian people and turn Ukraine into a "model republic," as he saw it as a threat to the existence of the Soviet Union. By 1933, the Ukrainian countryside resembled a hell in which exhausted, starving adults and children slowly and painfully died under the silent gaze and consent of the Soviet regime.

For a long time, the truth about the genocide has been hidden, erased and devalued by the modern Russian Federation, which calls itself the successor of the USSR. Russia is a twin in both essence and form, and it is also ruthlessly and consistently trying to destroy Ukraine as an independent state and enslave its freedom-loving people. Russia is now extinguishing the life candles of Ukrainians by the minute, just as the Soviet Union did.

The head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, already has one international arrest warrant for the deportation of Ukrainian children, and now the international community, together with the Ukrainian authorities, is proving Putin's and Russia's involvement in the pre-planned famine in Ukraine. The thieving country has purchased additional grain transporters on the eve of a full-scale invasion to completely destroy grain storage facilities.

The genocide of the Ukrainian nation is a black thread in the history of the world. It is proof that only a strong, armed, modern army can prevent such a tragedy. That is why the Ukrainian warrior is defending his country so desperately and furiously, standing in a field of burnt grain, holding 5 ears of charred wheat in his hand, because the look of the innocents killed by starvation is imprinted in his memory, and their extinguished candles of life are before his eyes….

The article expresses the opinion of its author only and does not oblige "Al Thaer" to anything

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