مقالات وأراء

The rate at 110. The ruble collapsed to the minimum for a year and a half

2023 تشرين الأول 14
مقالات وأراء

#Al Thaer

Irena Kharo


The exchange rate of the dollar during the trading session on Mosbirzh exceeded 102 rubles for the first time since March 23, 2022. Taking advantage of the distraction of public attention to the events in Israel, the head of the Central Bank Nabiullina decided to finally collapse the ruble.

On October 09, the dollar costs 102.16 Br, which is the maximum value of the dollar since March 23. The euro rate exceeded 108 Br for the first time since August this year. The yuan exchange rate passed Br14, so the Chinese currency also updated the one-year maximum. At the maximum, the dollar reached 102.28 rubles, while the euro - up to 108.03 rubles. The national currency has every chance to break the record of March and continue to fall. After all, there are no visible external reasons for the fall of the national currency, but there is a desire of the authorities. This was not the case before the SWO, but now the situation is changing every day and getting worse. Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov urged not to pay attention to the growth of the dollar and called to get used to living in the ruble zone. Even the yuan is not a panacea, the ruble is falling equally against all currencies, you need to change to something.

The situation with the ruble suits both the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, and the Ministry of Finance. Each ruble appreciation brings up to 120 billion rubles of additional annual revenues to the budget, which allows to reduce the budget deficit and increase spending. So the ruble will continue to fall. In a month or two everything will go up in price. We need to stock up on medicine and consumer goods. Forecasts of 110 rubles per dollar are already a reality. Taking advantage of the situation in Israel, the head of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina finally let the ruble fall. After all, in Israel, as soon as the shekel began to fall because of the war, the regulator decided to sell $45 billion of reserves to support the national currency. In Russia, however, the regulator and its head are just watching the fall.

If it goes down, that means the money's gone!?

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