مقالات وأراء

The audit of imperial property is Putin's unfulfilled dream.

2024 كانون الثاني 26
مقالات وأراء

Al Thaer

Yarya Hoga

The collector of Russian lands and defender of the Russian-speaking people, V. Putin, does not stop in his medieval delusions. Now, the head of the Kremlin wants to audit real estate that allegedly belonged to Russia, including the period of the USSR and the Russian Empire. At the same time, Russia itself is planning to change the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the confiscation of property for criticizing the actions of Russian troops during the invasion of Ukraine. With such democratic methods, the Russian authorities are trying to appease the people who are already in a liturgical sleep, do not show much protest activity and allow experiments to be carried out on them.

As for the search for foreign assets, a specific trigger for this "audit" was the agreed position of the G7 countries and the European Union on the need to transfer frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. Putin is being made to understand that he will have to pay for everything, and the longer the aggressive war against Ukraine continues, the greater the reparations will be.

The Russian president's appetite knows no bounds, but only time will tell whether Alaska is on his list of desirable properties. After all, it is not for nothing that this property was mentioned during the Russian Empire. And will he have the strength to return the imperial property to its "home port"?

The article expresses the opinion of its author only and does not oblige "Al Thaer" to anything

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