
Paul Klimos Appointed Global Future Council on the Future of Technology Policy

2023 كانون الثاني 16

Al Thaer

The World Economic Forum has appointed Paul Klimos, an attorney and head of the Middle East and North Africa strategy at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe in Silicon Valley, to its Global Future Council on the Future of Technology Policy.

As world leaders assemble this week in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss “cooperation in a fragmented world” at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, Klimos highlighted the “key role that technology policy will play in navigating today’s challenges and in redefining the future.”

The Global Future Councils of the World Economic Forum are the world’s premier knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking. The network brings together prominent thought leaders from academia, business, government, and civil society on an invitation-only basis.

Focus areas of the Global Future Council on the Future of Technology Policy include fostering responsible technology governance and regulation, accelerating digital transformation, and promoting tech-enabled solutions in the service of people and the planet.

A renowned expert in the fields of technology, law and public policy, Klimos’ extensive experience will inform his time on the council and make him a valuable asset to the Lebanese diaspora and business community.

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